
David is super.

Quote with only the context that David tends to call "tweets" "twats" because yes, he twitters, because all the cool kids do and if you don't yet, you're not cool. Yet. There's hope.
Anyway, onto the quote-

David: Look at my twat.
David: That is not sexual harassment.

Also, asking people to prom with mission impossible themed voice recordings is very clever. Props to David.
I'm really into this everyone-being-creative thing.

The next letter I write to the College Board will probably not be so polite.

I've found when I'm laughing on the computer, typing "hahahahahahaha", I begin to think that the sound of laughter sounds very much like the sound of keys clicking. I think in my head, "clickclickclickclickclick" in a happy joyful way.
Oh god, that last sentence makes me sound like more of a lunatic than usual. 
Oh well, not erasing it.
That may have been a comma splice, but I'm not erasing that either.

Love always,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am so honored!!!! my own post!!!!! no one else's!!!!!! i will cherish this post for the rest of my life!!! it will be at the center of the clara shrine that i am going to construct!!