

If you were driving on the G.W. Parkway going east between 5 and 5:30 and happened to see a blonde girl having a nervous breakdown in a red volvo...
that was me.
Sorry if I distracted you from your driving.

I have a resolution that makes me feel a little bit better about the world.
This resolution is: I need to start hugging more people at every opportunity. For some people, this may mean mandatory hugging every time I see them. If they object, resistance is futile.

Seriously, why must the earth crumble at the edges right when everything seems to be wonderful?
I realize much of the time I've spent in my life has been spent waiting for something else to happen, until like, last year or this year (can't put my finger on it).
And just when I've figured out how to live, everything changes quite drastically.
Honestly, if you don't know what I'm talking about by now, ask me at school. Not internet worthy, but quite interesting circumstances.

Things I just said to my mom:
"I have so much stupid shit to do. I want to just go in there to school teachers and say 'look, don't expect me to do well on your stupid shit, because I have my own shit going on, and I can't be bothered by your shit, because there's a lot of shit on my mind.' Shit!"

I love that my mom did not bat an eye when this conversation transpired.
I also love that my mom calls me 'grasshopper' but only when we're texting.
And that we text.

I like lentils also.

Love always,

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