
Better now.

This morning I was legit in the single worst mood I've been in for six months, and the last six months have been a mad six months.
But I fixed it.
I have added a class.

I was thinking (as I lay on the red chair on the corner with my jacket over myself, pretending to sleep and trying to keep tears from actually falling), what makes school bearable? And I thought, hm, friends, but I don't really have those yet, not real ones (although everyone here is really nice to me). So what else? And then I remembered this quote I'd seen one time:
“No one has ever written, painted, sculpted, modeled, built, or invented except literally to get out of hell.”
Hm, I felt like hell, and I wanted to get out... Art it is!
So I went to Mr. M-T after english class, and I asked him about signing up for an art class, and he sent me to Mr. S-L, and he said I was welcome.
I start tomorrow.
Very excited.

English class was weird today. As always.

Herr M-T: Are there still more sheep than people in New Zealand?
Julien: Eh, it's about equal now
Herr M-T: Ah
Julien: They mate with them too. Or we like to say that.
Herr M-T: (very seriously) Well that's a pastoral tradition in other parts of the world as well, even here. You know... lonely shepherds.
Me: ... That's more than I ever wanted to know about Switzerland...

Love always,

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