
This school has some problems.

And I am not afraid to say it.

We had homeroom today- a great conversation with Mr L (who reminds me quite a bit of Mr P) regarding the complete lack of respect in this school.
I'm not complaining about my peers (if you must call them that. 'Peer' is such a pretentious word) so much as the teachers. My own teachers aren't so bad, but I've heard others come into the student lounge and just start yelling, like "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE COMPLAINING! IF YOU GUYS CAN'T GET THESE PROJECTS IN BY FRIDAY, I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU EXPECT TO PASS YOUR IB EXAMS!"
It's really jarring for me. And it's disheartening for everyone else. The teachers complain about us in the student lounge, which really is our space.
I've heard some terrible stories. One teacher (who shall go unnamed) has said that he actually expected more people in our class to fail 11th grade and was almost disappointed to find that only two people failed.
I'm horrified that two people failed, by the way. That's ten percent of the student body. That shouldn't happen.

The side of this that no one wants to admit is that to some extent, we bring this on ourselves. People don't do their homework. They're dumbasses in the student lounge, fighting with chairs and shit. It's really immature.
Yesterday this random German teacher kept coming in every ten minutes saying "Oh can you guys in here tidy up before the end of the period?" which was really frustrating and condescending and hovering-ish. But when Jelena and I actually did clean the room up, we ended up more pissed off with the stupid people who leave their crap everywhere than the fact that this teacher was breathing down our necks. The student lounge being messy stresses me out anyway, so why don't we just keep it nice? Because people don't respect the school.
We don't like it here.

But why don't we like it here? Because the teachers do nothing but bring us down.
Chicken, meet egg.

In completely unrelated news, a quote without context-
Me: (at the TV) Oh shut up, military! I want to watch the models!

Love always,

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