
Items and polysyndetons.

During late July/early August, I began to call my things 'items'.
i.e. "No I can't pack right now, I need these items!" or "Oh crap, why do I have so many freaking... items!" or "How can this box hold my items?"

Today, I got my items.
The sea shipment has arrived!
I am so happy. I spent the afternoon (which had an inauspicious start due to Mom not being able to find Grace after school and having a mini-panic-attack, while I tried to listen to my ipod and was generally unpleasant to everyone involved) unpacking my items, and realizing I have no bookshelf here, which is most certainly a problem, because I am a person who reads books.
But mostly, hooray for winter clothes!

Real conversation involving me being a person who reads books (and is a nerd)-
Herr M-T: In this poem there are two prominent literary devices...
Someone: Personification? of death?
Herr M-T: Good. And the other?
Me: ... Well, there's a polysyndeton in there.
*another silence*
Herr M-T: Hm. Yes, yes there is. Does anyone else know what that means?
*HUGE silence*

(The other literary device, by the way, was a paradox. Pish posh, I liked my polysyndeton. Four of the last five lines of Donne's Holy Sonnet X begin with the word "and")

My god, I bet they think I'm from another planet. The planet of literary-device-discussing crazy-nerds. At least sourabh said I don't look like a nerd. So that's something.
Although he asked me to stop using words like "loquacious". Damn it, I like the word "loquacious"!

Another possible downside to my newly arrived clothing and such is that now, it is way more complicated trying to figure out what to wear. These decisions are easy when your options are limited.

Love always,


Katie said...

The planet of literary-device discussing nerds? Our latin class. We tried to remember what "aposiopesis" meant today and completely failed, because it's totally not a useful one.

(If you're curious, it's intentionally leaving a statement unsaid, like "Get out or else!" We kept getting it confused with tmesis)

clara said...

ooh, tmesis is one of my favorites.