
If I were still in America...

... Probably every one of my guy friends would be getting a 'can I tap that?' text message.
This is one of the funniest websites I have ever seen.

FUN WITH PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION: I left my purse on the tram today. I realized it and had to sprint back to get it before the tram pulled away. It was scary.

I hate this keyboard. To prove that point, the next paragraph will be written the way my muscles say it should:
(EDIT: I tried. Really. But blogger won't let me post it because it looks too much like HTML. That's how messed up it was)

Just looking at what I had written made me want to die a little. I feel like one of those people who adds 'z's to things to look cool. IT'S NOT MY FAULT! They've switched the z and the y here.
I'm too tired to make any sense.

Love always,

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