
A tour of my room

I'm super bored right now and have resolved to take my math test tomorrow, so I am going to give you a tour of my room, item by item.

I'm on my bed. Directly to my left is my (left) bedside table, which has a lamp, a phone, and two clocks. Only one of these clocks has batteries. Also, on this table there is an unused "Pomegranate & Passion Flower Peel-Off Mask" which I basically bought because of the great combination of pomegranate and passion flower (which I can only assume is related to passion fruit). One day my face will smell like a combination of these things, and it will be a great day. But I haven't really had a time to use it yet. I have to wait until the time is right to unleash pomegranate-clara. Because there is a pomegranate-clara, and she's really cool.
I sound like I have a mental disorder right now, but it doesn't particularly bother me.

Further along that wall are some books, my CTY tray, and some shoes. On the wall, hanging, is a big "HOPE" Obama poster. It's in a frame and looks very nice up there. The shade of blue used in that poster is just darker than the shade of blue that is my walls, so it all coordinates very nicely.
Then there is my closet, also on that wall. There are three closet doors- two have shelves and one has hangers. The one with hangers behind it, in the middle, has a large display of holga-pics and miscellaneous items (such as my Common Sense tribute [I love you guys] and a picture of myself at the age of eight with a Simone de Beauvoir quote, which Katie put together for a recent birthday). It is really quite wonderful, having all my potomac friends up on one 2-square-meter space.

In the corner there are several stacks of books. One of these days I'm going to get a bookshelf to solve that problem. Right now they're just sitting there.

On the wall opposite my bed, there is my window and my desk. My desk, like my desk at home, is messy. Very messy. I'm basically okay with that. I have some pictures on that desk too, pictures in frames. There's that one of myself, Katie, Isabella, and Cath from homecoming day last year, and one from prom with me, Nick, David, Eleni, and Will. It is very typical-high-school. I miss the typical-ness of Potomac.

In the other corner there is my keyboard. I do not know where the power cord is for this keyboard. If I really want to, I can use the too-short cord that came with my alarm clock, but that means unplugging my alarm clock. I really just need to order a 9V DC power cord. They're definitely standardized; it shouldn't be hard to find one online.
There is also my pink chair. Right now my dad's guitar is resting on it. I should put that back in its case. My own guitar (which I have resolved to start playing again, for real) currently is in a dismal situation in regards to its strings. Something will be done about that.

I have a whiteboard and a dresser, and on the dresser I have sunglasses and more pictures. I also have my NAMiss Junior Teen Virginia competition trophies. That's right, multiple. I don't know if I've ever mentioned this on the blog, because it was a bit of a secret for a while, but last summer I was in this beauty pageant and it was insane and out of character but really fun, and I was the 3rd runner up for the photogenic competition, which shocked me, because I always look really bad in pictures.
I guess not the one we submitted... That would make sense, after all.
Anyway, I have that trophy, the 'spirit of america' trophy which means I signed up for every competition ever, and the general participant trophy, and they are displayed proudly on my dresser with my 2004 "Best Effort" basketball trophy. The "Best Effort" may as well read "Most worthless to the team" because I can promise you I did not give the best effort. I gave hardly effort at all, because by 2004 I had realized I was terrible at this sport.
Regardless, it was one of those each-player-gets-some-kind-of-trophy situations, and it's still pretty cool looking until you read the plaque.

Then there's the door, outside of which you can find the rest of the house.

And then there's another table to the right of the door, which is holding Holga and Stephanie's old camera which I borrowed to take Photo in freshman year and have been meaning to give back literally since then. I'm going to bring it to her wedding, I swear to god.

That is all.
I'm listening to music and waiting for my hair to dry and contemplating the fact that I have two essays to write and no idea what the International Baccalaureate would want, hypothetically, because I'm writing for their standards, even though they won't be grading me. Ridiculous or ridiculous?
I would say, probably ridiculous.

Love always,


Katie said...

I'm trying to think of a non-insulting way of saying this, but out of everyone who could move across the ocean you're probably the best because you do things like describe everything in your room on the internet.
It's very easy to keep up with your life!
That all does sound pretty insulting. I think you get what I mean though. You tend to.

clara said...

hahaha no offense taken. I know what you mean. I make it very hard to get rid of me.