
More on families.

My dad was telling Grace this morning why a lot of Germans like to go to Thailand. Apparently it's for the prostitutes. He told her that the prostitutes in Thailand were built like our mother.

Grace: Mom, Dad says you look like a Taiwanese prostitute!
Dad: What?
Grace: Remember this morning? You said...
Dad: Oh, I said a Thai prostitute
Mom: WHAT?

It's their anniversary. 22 years of conversations similar to that one.
I guess only fourteen years of conversations similar to that one. Grace tends to instigate these things.

We all watched Little Miss Sunshine after dinner. God, I love that movie.
I am almost ashamed of how much I enjoy a quiet night at home. What a loser. I should get some cats and call it a day.
But I went out last night, and going out two nights in a row is pointless if it's cold and raining and you'd rather be playing guitar or making fun of your parents or generally being a hermit.

Love always,

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