
That gosh darn creative impulse.

I sort of live in fear that one day it will not be important to me to blog. I'm afraid that if/when that day comes, I will have lost a part of myself.
But I don't think that's true, so much, right now.

I looked at my bookmarks bar and saw the 'Create Post' link that I use to get here, to this post-creating box that I'm looking at. I saw it and thought "Oh, I should, but I have nothing to say."
And I asked myself, why not?
And myself answered, "I've already been creative TWICE today"
[Note- the side of me in quotation marks is the subconscious bit. Just FYI]

It's true! I had art class, in which I spent an hour trying to sketch Vivian in charcoal (which, by the way, Vivian, is hard. Why do we all sit in such awkward positions when we're hanging out with esuds? Daphna's hiding her chin behind her arm which makes my drawing of her look really super awkward too).
And then, when I came home, I was playing with dad's guitar and I wrote a song. A pretty good one, too, if you ask me, and that actually does mean a lot because (SECRET ON THE INTERNET ALERT!) I do this all the time. But usually I end up putting the guitar down thinking "wow, that was crap"
This time, I thought "Hey, that was pretty sweet. I need to write another verse, but I like where it's going"

Once I get a little further with it, I'll put some version up here. Not yet. It's in its infancy.

Anyway, I'd had two bursts of creativity today and I was afraid I was out of juice. But then I realized that in the course of contemplating this, I'd written a hypothetical blog post in my head. It occurred to me that this writing thing is the kind of curse I'll probably be stuck with for the rest of my life, in some form.
Hm... I don't mind.

Love always,

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