
please, do it for the shopping carts

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(via Amazon.com)

I've been poking around amazon.com looking for a used flipcam (Changecam/Obamacam broke! It's terrible), but for a lot of things on Amazon you have to put them into your cart before you can see the price. So that's how I got to that screen.

The reason I'm suddenly acutely feeling the loss of the darling Changecam is that I've started vlogging again! Or, it's probably too soon to say whether I'll continue with it, but I vlogged yesterday and enjoyed it!
My new computer, which is coming in a few weeks, will have better video-editing software than Patrick, so I really want to put that to good use. Which is better done with a functional camera.

I'm thinking of naming the new Macbook (pro!) Sandy, in keeping with the Spongebob Squarepants theme. After all, she'll be smarter than Patrick, and she's a squirrel living underwater, much like an American living in Europe, and isn't that a great metaphor for life?
Of course, I can't make this decision until I meet her. Or him. I don't even know the baby's sex and I'm thinking of names.
My god, when I have real children, it's going to be weird.

Anyway, you can see the vloggingness here as well, but yesterday's video was basically a restatement of the ass/arse musings yesterday. So it's a redundant vlog, if you're here already.

Don't worry, blog babies. I will still tend to you daily.

That sounded weird. I think vlogging makes me weirder.
Or not.

Sourabh: What does this word mean?
Herr M: Human. You know, like, made out of meat and bones? and mortal?

German class was weird today. Actually, it's always weird.

Love always,

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