Feeling like Karen O or something. Or this girl:

Minus the random muscular display. Also, tired.
This post has two parts:
1. I overslept this morning.
My alarm went of at 7:06 as usual and I got up and turned it off and I might have even had a conversation with my dad. And then I went right back to sleep and suddenly it was 7:30 and I was still in bed and I had to be out of the house and fed by 7:54. So that was fun.
I threw on clothes and realized what I was wearing (a shirt-dress-thing that I bought at Fall Frolics in 10th grade [hey do you guys remember that? Isabella? Tree photos? Good times!]) really wasn't going to be sufficient in terms of covering-my-ass but I didn't have time to deal with that so I just wore it anyway. Which made this day a little more interesting.
I also had to sacrifice my morning coffee for the sake of time. So my oversleeping didn't make me energized or anything. It was such a waste. I'd much rather have coffee than oversleep.
2. Music!
I was randomly feeling hipster-ish today. So I ran around downloading 'hipster music' from all over the place. It is great fun.
Graveyard Girl - M83
Young Folks - Peter Bjorn and John
Dog Days are Over - Florence + The Machine
Just A Silhouette - Ex Lovers
Islands - The XX
Backyards - Broken Social Scene and Emily Haines (a.k.a. the girl from Metric)
Timshel - Mumford & Sons
So Far - Chris Garneau
Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
White Winter Hymnal - Fleet Foxes
Blue Ridge Mountains - Fleet Foxes (Yeah, Virginia is pretty sweet, we know, indie music world)
Swimmers - Broken Social Scene
Far Away - Cut Copy
Bluish - Animal Collective
Stillness Is the Move - Dirty Projectors
So yeah that's basically what I did today.
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