
some things to blog about

Here are some things I plan to blog in the near future.
  • Thomas has sent me another truckful of music. I plan to preview all of these and probably download at least half, so you'll hear all about that.
  • I'm going to do another interview, probably not with Percy.
  • A review of the school Valentine's Day Sale (and festivities)
  • I'll probably complain a lot about things I could prevent, like sleep deprivation.
  • Random nostalgia (which has been hitting me lately. I've figured out that Matt D. reminds me of Samlet, and thinking about Samlet gets me thinking about america, and then we're back at nostalgia.)
Speaking of Matt D...
Today, during Art class, I made signs for the valentine's day sale. I'll post pictures of them tomorrow. I'm pretty proud of them. Thomas told me he wasn't going to buy anything for Emily but then he saw my awesome poster and changed his mind. I am so influential.
Anyway, I ran around hanging these signs after art, and Matt stole one and ran around with it for a while. I finally chased him into the D building, where I'd intended to hang that sign. And then he hangs it crooked and starts sticking me with tape.
I was like "You are so frustrating! You are just like Sam!"
And he was like "Who the hell is Sam?"
And I was like "Um... he's cool. Except when he's frustrating."

That was today.
I also discovered that there's a coffeeshop in Muri.

Love always,

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yay more music from Thomas! In the ridiculous amount of free time I have (I haven't gone to school in 5 days and won't go tomorrow), I made a CD heavily influenced from the stuff you put on your blog from him. I like it. Cath and Sam judged the CD harshly, but I think that was more based on the non-Thomas music on it.