
And I'm done!

Packed, prepared, jacket washed, phone charging, totally 100% ready. Sure, I'm going to realize at 5:14 tomorrow morning that I forgot something crucial... but for now I'm solid.
Now I'm trying to make a good airplane playlist. Downloading some songs...

I Know I Know I Know - Tegan and Sara
Adelaide - Old 97's
Ashes - Embrace
Smoke It - The Dandy Warhols
On Your Porch - The Format
Sway - The Perishers
Black Like Me - Spoon
The Underdog - Spoon
Legally Blonde - Legally Blonde: The Musical
Chip On My Shoulder - Legally Blonde: The Musical
What I Got - Sublime

Randomly enough, a lot of these songs came from a playlist of "Songs on Veronica Mars"
I don't watch Veronica Mars.
Although now that it has pretty great music, I might start...

I'm not sure to what extent I'll have internet access out in the frozen west, so this may be goodbye. 

Love always,

1 comment:

i.m.indraneel said...

spoon is amazing. you better have 'don't you evah' and 'you got yr. cherry bomb'
yes, clara, i do read your blog. its not creepy because you write in a manner that is entertaining and its in your twitter bio :/

veronica mars was good, then went south faaast.