
Pre-studying sleepover!

I'm at isabella's. We were going to go see Role Models but ended up seeing Four Christmases for a variety of reasons. I thought it was going to be terrible but... I really enjoyed it. It was funny. I was laughing. It was stupid, yes, definitely, but it was funny.

Then we came home and watched youtube videos of the guy who plays Jacob in Twilight.
Every male in that movie is dead sexy.

The extreme academic party starts tomorrow. At 1 PM. I swear. to. god. This must happen. Right after I go to the bookstore and CVS and maybe the toy store to buy a stuffed dog to keep in the drawer in the chemistry classroom. There's this drawer on the table at which I sit, and about a month ago, I thought (and of course immediately said out loud), "Wouldn't it be great to have like, a little puppy to keep in this drawer?".
Mr P said today that he was glad I wasn't stressing out about exams. He said I'd be fine, probably. As much as that's great to hear, it doesn't ease the fear that I'm not stressing enough.
Is it possible to stress out about your lack of stress?
Does that even make sense?

Mr P also said today that his daughter thinks I'm nice. He said I'm giving off good energy or something. Which is awesome. I'm glad people think I'm nice, especially awesome freshmen such as Mr P's daughter. I've decided it's important to be nice to freshmen (except the obnoxious ones) because they are the future.
Or something cliche like that.
Point is that I don't want them to hate me, because they're the ones who will basically be our legacy. There's a certain bond between the 2-year-age-difference years. Like, my grade and the seniors last year, we were tight. And those are our freshmen.

Love always,

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