
This week...

...is going to be completely pointless. After exams, before winter break, what could we possibly learn? Nothing. We'll forget it all.
But doubtless some teachers will try... poor, misguided souls.
I'm hoping there's just going to be a lot of holiday spirit. Abundant jingle bells, CANDY CANES, et cetera.
I'm thinking, actually, that there was supposed to be some kind of candy cane community service sale thing that should be starting up right now. Exam week probably threw it off. But I'm excited about it so it better still be happening.
Think Mean Girls candy cane sale, but without all the crazy psycho drama.

Today there was evidence that people read my blog. I mean, I put a link on facebook, so it shouldn't surprise me that much, but regardless it was a good feeling.
I said something once about making stickers and sticking them places. I think I'll do that.

Love always,

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