
Oh, the friend of the small one.

She's downstairs.
Butchering Fur Elise. 
It's kind of killing me.

Last night I had this dream that my mom was at my old preschool (which was a church) talking to the church women (sort of like nuns, but not quite). She told me to set up a table outside with fruit or something. I stood outside for a moment contemplating the sidewalk, then ran back into the room and started yelling at my mom and the nuns. And I threw myself at a beanbag chair.
Then the nuns tried to look up my *old* blog (the secret one) by searching all of these phrases that they knew I would use (like 'Legit' and 'stupid idiotface') and they ALMOST found it.
Then my dad showed up across the street in his Kia and helped me get out of there, with my laptop. He was on my side.
It was a really weird dream....

Love always,

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