
Winter Lights

We basically just had our winter/christmas/holiday assembly, and it has filled me with tremendous love for anything and everything related to the people who just crossed that stage and the notion of the christmas spirit.
I'm pretty thoroughly secular, but I'm still just about dying for it to be christmas already. Who says you have to believe in god to believe in santa?

We just had very short musical practice, because half the people decided not to show... or rather, Mr. R told some people that there was no practice.
Some people had soccer practice.
We made fun of those people... Well, that's the way it goes. If you're going to play soccer like that, you have to anticipate the consequences.

Quote without context: "You guys, if you go to soccer practice over winter break, be sure you wear your protective gear" -- Mr. B

Now I'm sitting by the fire in my school's giant living room. Some kids are playing ping pong. I feel warm. Seniors are around doing senior things... essentially, nothing. I'm jealous.
Not that I'm doing much either. But I wish I could be a nothing-doing senior.

All the alums are back. I want to go and hug all of them but instead I'm making eye contact with none.
That's a lie. I just tried to wave to one. And shouted his name. And I don't think he heard me, or just ignored me, and so I'm going back to my admiration-from-afar.

I'm wearing a santa hat and a feather boa. Life is good. 

Just tried to wave to the alum again. It is making me very insecure that he won't respond.

Love always,

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