
Christmastime is here...

Just assisted in the tree-decorating process. Love that process. I do the gold strings of beads: they're my specialty. 

We do this thing where we wrap lights around the star. For some reason, it doesn't have the same effect this year. Real conversation:

Grace: *puts star on tree, covered in lights (and green wire- I think that's the problem)*
Mom: It looks like Auschwitz.
Me: Wow. That was the worst Christmas simile ever.

We spent a solid four minutes discussing how incredibly wrong it was to compare our christmas tree star to aspects of a concentration camp.

Later, my mom is trying to pinpoint what is wrong with this decoration she tried to make. It's holly or something in a vase filled with water. Real conversation:

Mom: It's like a fetus in a jar.
Me: Wow, that was the second worst Christmas simile ever.

Sometimes I wonder whether she has like, Alzheimer's or something. That woman...

What chem exam? I'm watching the office.

Love always,

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