
Exam week: Part four

Physics and Latin were today. Physics legitimately took me 45 minutes (out of 2 hours) and after checking over several times, I drew something elaborate. I'll upload a picture of it if I get a chance. I was proud of my handiwork.
Latin wasn't too bad either. I wrote like, four pages (about catullan poetry, no less) and my hand wanted to fall off. The thing about me and writing is that I write big. Which means my hand has to exert a lot of energy. But if I try to write smaller, I end up tensing up my hand, and that makes it hurt too. So... I just scribble.
Curiously, my hand doesn't cramp up when I'm doing elaborate doodles.

I just watched a bunch of my footage from yesterday and today. Legitimately, watching my grade do nothing and screw around like that gives me faith in humanity. I'm not sure why, but I find myself giggling like crazy with tears in my eyes when I watch this stuff. 
Especially the old ones. I have a nostalgic disposition, I suppose. But watching the exam week video from freshman year, I almost always get thrown into some kind of crazy mental state.

Tomorrow I am among the nerdy few who have to take a sixth exam. Actually there are a lot of us. But that doesn't mean I'm looking forward to it. And if that weren't cool enough, I get to go to a two-hour-long chorus practice in the morning.
At least I'm going to get bagels with the Strings kids. That should be fun. I like bagels, and I like the strings kids.

Love always,

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