A few years ago...
More specifically, a few summers ago, my room was really hot. To be honest, my room gets tremendously hot in the summer. Not so much now, because we got a new AC system this year, but whatever. I live on the top floor and it causes problems.
A few summers ago, it was while my sister was still living up on the top floor with me. She had a lot of fans. I couldn't sleep with fans on. They were noisy. Duh.
So I would sleep on the couch in the old family room (which is now my sister's bedroom). It was great. I could watch TV until 1 AM and no one would care as long as the volume was low.
That was the room with the TV, stereo, DVD thing, video game thing (possibly two- we may have still had a gamecube in those days), etc. Lots of little lights.
I found that I like to make number patters out of the time, if it's really late at night, I'm trying to sleep, and semi-random numbers are thrown at me.
Example, right now-
It's a binary palindrome! awesome!
Anyway, the point is, this comic sure strikes a chord:

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