
Greetings from Beaver Creek!

I'm here in snowy Colorado. And it is AMAZING.
I love it here already.

The flight was a drag.
First I proved that I am a complete spastic idiot by spilling very hot coffee on a seat that wasn't mine. Thankfully it was empty, but still. I felt stupid. And why does Dunkin Donuts make its coffee so hot? And why do I always try to get coffee at Dunkin Donuts?
Answer: Muffins. Good ones
Then the second flight. O'Hare is amazing. As our pilot said, it is the "second busiest airport in the solar system." We got stuck in Chicago for a couple unnecessary hours... Some plane part wasn't working and they had to replace it.
I also got to sit next to an infant. Adorable... until he cried. Not exactly fun.

But then I got here and went hot tubbing and everything was good. So here I am with Victoria, watching Family Guy, and blogging it up.
You know how I do.

Love always,

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