
Busyness is sometimes really great.

Generally when that being-busy is due to super fun winter break things, and not like, homework, which is usually the cause of my being busy.
Today I'm busy because I took a train back home (with Vivian and Daphna who are now staying at Viv's house), saw Legally Blonde (the musical) at the kennedy center, and am now getting ready for this like, society Christmas Dinner/Dance. It's going to be fun if not a little pretentious. Whatever. I have a green dress to wear, so basically I'm happy. 
But I don't know who else is going except a couple people I'm not that tight with, so it might be just a little awkward.
I hope not. 
I hope I have fun and meet someone named Demitri. That would be hot.
Then after the party we're picking Daphna and Vivian up from Viv's and taking them home too so that we can all go into the city tomorrow for Daphna's birthday and meet up with other people (who better be coming, by the way), and have lots of crazy fun, and then continue the crazy busy christmas process.
For which I am really excited.

Legally blonde was great. Elle Woods reminds me of myself... The blonde bubbly person who's smarter than you would think based on first impressions? Yeah. Welcome to my life.

Love always,

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