

So I was looking at a cereal box today. Just now, actually. For Frosted Mini Wheats (Grace's breakfast of choice. Mine is a tall sugar free vanilla soy latte from the Starbucks on Union street, if you were wondering), which is plentiful in fiber. Which, they say, makes kids more able to focus in school.

Anyway, you know how there are like, games and whatnot on the back of cereal boxes sometimes? This cereal box had this sort of game where you had to read the words and figure out what they were really saying. Not like, the 'literacy' game, but... I can't describe. Example: If the answer is 'example', it might say 'ex ham pull' because they're all words.
They had crazy subliminal messages! Like "Folk is son's cool"
... Get it? Focus on school!
There were other games, anagrams and whatnot, that I didn't bother to solve but probably said things like "do work" or "sit still" or "OBEY THE CEREAL BOX"

Of course, if fiber does help you focus, that doesn't mean kids are going to be any more engaged by our semiretarded education system.
And on that note, shouldn't our education system be teaching kids to resist this kind of manipulation?

I am worked up about this. Death to Frosted Mini Wheats!

Love always,

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