

Mrs M: Anything else about Nixon?
James: Punching hippies, good...
Mrs M: I didn't hear you, but that's okay. Drew did you have a comment?

Now it's Physics, and Sam is looking smittenly at people to freak them out. I must say, it's working.

I also like sunglasses.

Today in chorus, someone managed to make a sexual comment with a biblical reference. Which
1) was wholly inappropriate
2) was pretty funny once I got over myself
3) reminded me of the new "that's what she said"
Which is, of course, "in the biblical sense"
As in,
"With gamma rays, we can make nuclear reactions"
"... In the biblical sense!"

Hanna: There's a really big presence of Tim in this room.
Chanel: Like his aura?
Drew: This is getting really sketchy.

Mr C: When you can't see light, but you can feel it, that's heat.
Chanel: Like love!

Katie: Emily's not that bad a driver
Sam: You're no judge. You drive too fast
Me: Sam, you drive too slow!
Hanna: My grandma says I'm 'hot for the pedal'. I'm not allowed to drive her anymore.

Love always,

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