
Sadie's, Math, and falling from trees.

Mr P: I have a plea for you. Please do not participate in this thing called sexting. Do it in person if you want, but don't do it digitally.

Yar: *is giggly*
Mr H: 't' is the time the apple's been separated from the tree... And I'm going to separate you from your tree.

Mr P: Way to pad your resume
Yar: You're mean. I'm going to deface your phone book.

Drew: *mumbles to self*
Hanna: Hey Drew... Who are you talking to?
Drew: Myself
Hanna: That's okay. We're accepting.
Yar: What if crazy people are the normal people and the normal people are crazy people?
Drew: We are! 

Mr P: Alex, who's going to ask you to Sadie's?
Alex: I don't know. Hopefully my mom.

Love always,

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