
Real Math-related Conversations

These have been accumulating in my math notebook and make me giggle.

Someone*: Is linear kind of curved?
Mr H: Linear is sort of straight.

Mr H: To find a tangent--
Yar: "To Find a Tangent." That's what I'm going to title my memoir
Mr H: That would be a good title!

Shivani: I'm going to give blood. Bye.
Someone*: What if they reject your blood?
Grier: They're vampires. Don't let them do it.

Yar: So if the discontinuity is a waterfall or a sink hole, and the water can fall through, that means there's nothing obstructing the river upstream...?
Mr H: I don't know what to do with that metaphor.

I just had to write those out.

*In these cases, I was a very very bad life-journalist and didn't write who said what. Sorry. I got caught up in the moment. It's hard to keep records and exist at the same time.

Love always,

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