
txt me

Recently the adults of the world have decided that the ultimate demise of cultured society is here.
In the form of texting.

I disagree, actually.

I've been thinking about it a bunch today because of some text conversations and random flashes of deja vu i've been having recently. Here's the thing- it's like regular conversation but better.
  • It's convenient
  • It's concise
  • It's low pressure
  • It takes some thinking
By that I mean you have to consider what you're saying just because you have to tap the numbers. Word choice becomes important. Whereas when you're typing on a keyboard, for me it's second nature, so I can type any stupid thought that comes into my head.
Which is probably why this blog has so many posts.

And it's quiet, which makes it good for late night conversations or conversations under the table during dinner or... other times you need to be discrete. 

I can't figure out why, but I get the impression (based on my own limited experience) that people are more inclined to text when it's warm. Summertime dominates my texting.
Maybe we're all more laid back and restless and wanting plans.

I'm feeling laid back and restless and wanting plans right now.
But I think plans are being made. 

It is so warm out.

Real conversation that took place during Latin yesterday-
Me: You don't understand. 99% of girls hate 99% of guys 75% of the time
Will: What? You don't hate me 75% of the time, do you?
Me: ... eh, yeah, 75% of the time. Just on principle. You have a Y chromosome.
Will: *cries inside* Alexandra, you don't hate me seventy five percent of the time, do you?
Alexandra: No, you're not my prostate.

Love always,


Daphna said...

the subject matter of this post leaves me inclined to comment, but i'm not quite sure what to say. i'm pretty sure this in itself explains what i want to say better than words could..oh texting.

clara said...

hahaha i know exactly what you mean.