
Spinning spinning spinning.

Physics is great.

Sam spun me around in a swivel chair, which is good because I needed distraction from my recent discovery that I will, in my adulthood, become a nymphomaniac, the sort of prostitute that doesn't charge and walks the streets naked just begging for someone to do me.
So Sam spun me. It was hillarical.
(Ask Sam.)
And then I was dizzy, and in combination with the low barometric pressure today, my brain was/is a little off.

Katie: Wow, you're acting like you do when you're sleep deprived
Me: It's the barometric pressure, and the spinning
Katie: You're really off your rocker
Me: I know! There was a rocker, and I was on it, and I'm off of it now!
Chanel: Hey everyone guess what? Hanna's a white supremacist!

Love always,

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