
Yes, where ARE the monkeys?

If you must, just watch the first two minutes of this.
Oh dear.

I very much like evolution.
I very much dislike it when people who don't get science try to use it to support their theories that aren't based on science at all.
Poor woman. She is very confused.

Love always,


Katie said...

I couldn't really watch it and just ended up skipping around, but I saw at 2:11 she asked "why aren't we seeing people born with monkey tails?"
We are. It's kind of weird.

that reminds of this comic/story/propaganda tract:

Anonymous said...

my goodness that chick is crazy. there is physical evidence of evolution, at least evolution from a starting point (not a monkey) to modern times, with humans and with animals. Animals evolved and they don't randomly give birth to ancent forms of whatever they were. Plus, we did not come from monkeys. Evolution comes from natural selection and survival of the fittest so if we evolved from monkeys they would theoretically all be dead because they failed at natural selection.Maybe there is an exception to this but whatever, I am not from a monkey. I swear.