
Fish and the Slow, Tragic Death of Print Journalism

Today, I cooked something.
This wonderful woman named Robin helped. She being the nutritionist/chef/teacher person. 
I cooked seared salmon with mustard sauce, and this shrimp+cod+tomatoes+other veggies dish. Which involved learning to chop. The right way.

You see, I'm a pescetarian. Fish=Good. Meat=Bad.
And I have health issues, which means inflammation=Bad. Which means Bread+Pasta+Potatoes=Starches=Bad.

So It's hard to figure out what to eat. 
Robin to the rescue!

I am very much excited by this. 

Chanel: You could get four by adding two to two, or you could get four by adding five to one...
-Chanel's perspective on the finer points of mathematical logic

I just spent like, 20 minutes reading fmylife.com and now I feel compelled to start every sentence with the word "Today." It's really quite frustrating.

Today (see?) the journalistic among us published The Current, the less satirical of the two school papers. I love both The Current and Common Sense, although I've always thought I'd be better suited to writing for Common Sense than The Current... Not sure why. Inclination toward sarcasm perhaps.
Anyways, they revived a feature that had been dead for a little while now, "Current Quotes", in which they publish funny/interesting quotes heard around the school. They're awesome and I love them.
The funny part about this batch in particular was that I recognized about half of them (last time they were published it was freshman year and most of the references went over my head). And I'd blogged a bunch of them.
Which is pretty cool. Rock on, internet.
Not that I consider myself much of a journalist. More like a compulsive documenter.

On an unrelated note, print media is dead.

Love always,

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