
Damn you, spoon!

So this was physics today. It's basically my favorite class.

Sam: Mr C, in the next ten minutes, I will either infuriate you or make you a very happy person.
Mr C: Why?
Sam: Just letting you know.
Mr C: A warning?
Sam: Yeah.

Sam: So you can make mirrors out of anything?
Mr C: Any reflective surface
Sam: Isn't gold more flattering light?
... discussion...
Hanna: Sam, no light will make you look flattering
Mr C: Maybe if you go into a dark cave.

Mr C: Concave mirrors are the ones that turn you upside down, like in spoons.
Chanel: Why does it do that? I always get so angry when I look into my spoon I'm upside down.
Mr C: (imitating Chanel) "Damn you, spoon!"

Legit, yo.

We watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail (or the first part) in assembly today, and I had a thought.
"This movie is funnier than real life"
I've realized in the process of keeping this blog what a serious statement that is. Real life is really funny. Being funnier than real life takes skill.
Although there is a valid point in that if you've seen Monty Python one too many times, it loses its charm. I haven't reached that state yet, and I'm not looking forward to it. 

Love always,

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