
the apostrophe is fixed

Thank goodness. Now I can, with a clear conscience, recommend to you Old Boys' Club original single, Growin' Pains

Growin' Pains (Feat. Rug Rat) - Old Boys' Club by Old Boys' Club

I have two midterms tomorrow morning. I've been studying all day. It's been great.

Me: What's the proposed function of the ventral prefrontal cortex in the left hemisphere?
Dan: Well that's where we get our drive for mushrooms! You see, it's left over from the days when we used to eat bones, and mushrooms contain a vital enzyme for the digestion of bones. That's why we eat mushrooms. It's residual.
Me: I'm going to blog about you, Dan.

Dan isn't in my class. He just has a wild imagination.

Love always,

1 comment:

TweedyB said...

Amazing group