

Standardized testing, in particular. Did you know that the most recent SAT essay was about reality TV? Is that not ridiculous?

I, for one, am insulted. I think the College Board and I both sighed with relief when I finally ended my entanglement with them (they get tired of nasty letters on scratch paper, I presume). I've always been of the opinion that the College Board is the primary force responsible for squishing those of my age group into the role little bubble filling lab rats (hit correct button, get pellet) that we're told will bring us life success (the greatest little pellet of all!).
The real fact of the matter, of course, is that the things that lead us to life success are the things that we are doing when we are not studying for the SAT.

I feel that this essay question debacle has provided some insight on the matter though. Perhaps the College Board does not even realize what they are doing wrong (although I have tried to explain it to them. Perhaps they do not read my letters). Maybe they think that we don't do fulfilling things for their own sake. Maybe they think we spend all of our time watching Jersey Shore and studying for their tests and doing school. The notable exception is sports; they seem to assume that we all play sports, and there seem to be sports-oriented questions on every test (I am bitter because I am not good at sports).

All of this would explain their choice of essay question. I can just picture them in their boardroom. "I hear the whippersnappers are watching this reality TV thing. Shall we bring this test to their level? I think we shall." It's out of touch and condescending.

So, College Board decision makers, if you read this (as you clearly did not read my letters), I hope you've learned something. You won't get tested on it, but I trust that you don't need that kind of threat to retain vital information in your peculiar little heads.

And for those of you who are still taking SATs, a slice of college life for you to look forward to. I just heard this conversation outside my door:

Girl: If I were a guy, I would get my butt waxed.
Girl 2: What, like on a weekly basis?

Love always,

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