

Someone in my Brain Damage class is coughing, and it's making me feel brain damaged myself. I am beginning to think that OCD is in fact contagious.

Last night we went to Jo's. Lucas encountered a number of difficulties with his Spicy Without, difficulties that slowly increased in intensity, reaching a climax when some grease burned his lip.
He was terribly concerned about this. I regret to say that the rest of us were not terribly concerned, and we could have been more helpful than we were.
I volunteered some fun facts about mouth health though.

Me: Lucas, the mouth is one of the fastest healing parts of the body!

This probably did not help. It ended up with a conversation about how one's first instinct when they get a paper cut is generally to put one's finger in one's mouth, among other things.
Lucas eventually left, at which point we realized we hadn't taken his lip burn quite seriously enough, and it would be such a shame if he in fact did have a second degree burn, as he says he did.
Lucas, if you read this, I apologize very deeply.

David: Are you going to blog about this?
Me: Probably.
David: You should call him Lucas Burnhenn.
Me: I try to avoid last names. Some people get upset.
David: Burnhenn.

I want everyone to know that that is a pun. It's funny because it has the word "burn" in it.

Love always,

1 comment:

Lucas said...

I am just now reading this. I L-O-Led in the Rock.