
risky business

If you had come up to me a year ago and said, "In college, you will play more board games and board game variants than you ever thought possible," I would have thought you were 1) Crazy, 2) Full of shit, 3) Wrong, or 4) All of the above.

If that had happened, today I would have found you and apologized, because you would have been totally right.

Last night we went to Tea in Sahara again. There were a lot of us, so we brought along a game of Risk to supplement the usual Monopoly doings. I played Monopoly because I was in a Monopoly mood, and lost because I got screwed over by Park Place with three houses and lost my sources of revenue. It was all very shady, since there was some sort of joint-ownership situation with the monopoly at the end of the board (John and Mark, I am shaking my head) but that's capitalism for you.
We went to Jo's on the way back, and then returned to Keeney, where I decided I did want to learn how to play Risk. Risk is one of those games that I've always seen and thought "That looks like it takes a long time."
It does.

So Audrey, John, Andrew, and I sat on Andrew's floor and started up another game, while Hannah went to Zete for some kind of Zete-function (I'm glad I didn't go greek. It all seems to require a lot of bizarre obligations, between carrying lighters and bricks around, making girls kiss you, and drinking on tuesday nights.)
Teddy immediately took to hurling information at me, which was a waste of time because I had no idea what he was talking about. Apparently he's really good at Risk, but all of that was lost on me.

Hannah turned up about an hour later, back from Zete, entertaining as ever.

Hannah: Clara, you need to fuck Alaska's shit up.
Me: Oh, I plan to. That's on my to-do list. Thanks Hannah!

There's advice I can understand.

Love always,

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