
i am actually so glad it isn't friday

Holy shit. You probably just shouldn't watch that.
I don't think I've ever heard a song that bad in my life.

0:23 - I like that we now know what she's gotta have in the morning (her bowl, cereal. I'm assuming these are related and the cereal is in the bowl, but she says them separately, which makes me think she might be waking and baking. That might explain things later on.)
0:32 - What do you do at a bus stop? I'm genuinely curious! Rebecca Black says that one catches a bus there. Thanks, Rebecca Black.
0:43 - She's gotta make her mind up, regarding which seat she can take. There's really no decision to make though. There's only one open seat. Also, whatever happened to that bus?
0:52 - I totally do that thing with my hand when I'm in the car and feeling groovy on a Friday or whatever. Not even joking.
1:08 - I do not want to party or have fun with these kids.
1:11 - They're cruising on the highway at 7:45. That's because her curfew is at 11.
1:23 - "My friend is by my right, and fuck this bitch on the left. I don't even know her. She's just chillin in that dress like she wants to be in my music video. This is what fame does to people, guys."
1:37 - Why is her placement in the car such a critical decision point for this girl?
1:49 - There's something about the way she pronounces the word "Friday" that makes me want to slam my head against concrete.
2:07 - Sometimes I wonder what day it is that comes before Friday. Now I know.
2:18 - "We we we so excited." No. Stop. Now.
2:27 - More details on how the days of the week work. This might be genuinely useful for people who don't understand how the days of the week work. i.e. no one.
2:35 - This is probably the most times that the "back seat" has been referred to in a song that has had absolutely no sexual subtext.
2:53 - Pause the video here and look at her face.
3:10 - Rebecca Black does not look like she is actually having any fun.
3:24 - Do we know who this guy in the car is?
3:38 - Somehow, Rebecca Black gives off the attitude of an overenthusiastic babysitter. "It's friday! Fun fun fun fun! But don't do anything you wouldn't want me to tell your parents about, guys!"
3:48 - I have now watched that whole thing twice. That was a mistake.

Courtesy of Camelback Music.

Love always,

P.S. I want to tag this "songs are great," except this song really isn't great. At all.


Lisa Maria Koßmann said...

Haha, your analysis is worth watching the vid, although I'm pretty sure some of my brain cells died because of 'friday, friday' and 'backseat, backseat'. Oh, and because of 'fun, fun'.

kmac said...


(No words need be said)



Thomas said...

Was going to blog about this. hahaha, It's awful isn't it.

Certainly not looking forward to the weekend after that.

Who knew thursday came before friday?
