
attention bloggers

I don't know how many of you readers are also writers. Hopefully it's a lot of you, because writing is one of the better habits I've picked up in the last three years (bad habits: playing flood-it, drinking sugar free Red Bull, getting belligerent-drunk and taking off in a random direction).

For those of you with blogs or thinking of starting one, I've stumbled upon a great resource for that sort of thing. Check out The Blog Guidebook.

It's a bit girly, I'll admit, but they have some pretty awesome networking-type options and tutorials. I'm about to learn how to make a blog button and a code box, which seems like something I might need at some point if I'm serious about throwing myself headlong into the universe of young blogging women. No young-blogging-woman is an island, you know.

Love always,

1 comment:

Lisa Maria Koßmann said...

Thanks for

1) the Blog Guidebook.
2) the John-Donne-quote-variation.