
a few things

  • I did not go to my Health Care section today, because I hate the TA, and I'm feeling tired. Tired in my mind might as well mean sick, so that's what I said. It's perfectly possible -- I had an allergy-attack in Syntax yesterday and Stefan has mono (which is worrisome for all of us; think, for a moment, of the solo cups). Anyway, I had planned to take a nap and care for my health and whatever else but it looks like that hasn't happened.
  • There's a girl at my old school who I think fancies herself a photographer or a model or something (I will not say which old school this is, so as to preserve ambiguity). She takes pictures of herself wearing eyeliner and lipstick and leopard print and such, and then photoshops the textures out of her skin, and posts them on facebook in albums called "meeeeee :)". Every time someone comments "OMG you are so beautifulll xoxox" she comments back, so her photos get tons of comments and wind up on my newsfeed, and that sends me into this whole thought-spiral of -- since when are fifteen year olds actually pretty? (The attention-whore element of this is noted, but unsurprising.)

me, at the age of fifteen.

  • I want warm weather to happen soon. Luckily, the universe seems to more or less bend to my will. It's going to be 58 and sunny tomorrow.
  • There are at least two parties on friday and both look worth-going-to. Once more, the universe is bending to my will.
  • I still want a nap.

Love always,

1 comment:

Lisa Maria Koßmann said...

OMG this picture of you at the age of fifteen is so beautifulll xoxox.

Sorry, it was just very nearby to say this ... Couldn't resist.