
"okay, new question. hexagons or pentagons? no flying allowed."

I turned up to lunch in a mood. People fixed it, as people tend to do. A bad mood, I've found, can almost always be remedied by being around people.

David: So, guys, question. If you could harness one element for destructive power, which would you pick?

I said air, so that I could fly, which is always a priority. David said no flying was allowed, and that we could only use our elements for destructive ends. I then chose fire.
Nicole chose water. David was operating within a Pokemon paradigm in which water and ice are two different elements. The rest of us disagreed.
I, for one, was operating within an Avatar: The Last Airbender paradigm, simply because I have the most exposure to it. Considering the fact that I've never seen the movie, or a whole episode of the cartoon, this should be surprising, but as I explained to the table, in my house, when Grace likes something, there's no way to insulate yourself from the all-encompassing enthusiasm.
It then occurred to me that Grace liking something is better than Grace disliking something.

Me: It could be worse. When my sister was younger she decided she didn't like cats.
David: And that was a dark time in all of our lives.
Me: It was.

To be fair, she was eight or nine when that phase happened, and so biting kids on the playground was a tiny bit more acceptable than it would be, for example, right now.

Syntax class has been somewhat weird for the past few classes. I keep inferring innuendo that isn't actually there.

Pauly J: So this verb phrase, in its lexical entry, says "Yeah, put that inside me."
Me: *giggles*

Actually, on second thought, that innuendo was definitely there, although certainly not intentional. Most of the other people in the class seemed slightly horrified that my mind was so far into the gutter at three PM on a tuesday.
Today we talked about transitive verbs. Our example word was "kiss".

Pauly J: This is so much fun. Some years, I use "lick." You could do anything, really. We could say Zephyr likes Vertigo. It's just more fun with kissing.

Love always,

1 comment:

Grace said...

:D i loved that show!
and i would've chosen fire as well. we probably chose fire because aries is a fire sign.