
fortune cookies

Last night a few of us went to Shanghai for dinner. Stefan is allowed to eat more than rabbit food again, so he wanted to take advantage of his resumed dietary freedom. I was just in the mood for pad thai and social activity.

I had a ton of fun with the chopsticks. Moments like this remind me that I'm secretly (or not so secretly) basically five years old. I grabbed John's straw with my chopsticks and giggled for probably five minutes straight. It was not appropriate behavior for the dinner table.

At the end of the night, they brought out fortune cookies with the receipt. Mine said, "It is a nice day" with two smiley faces.

That was probably the most awesome thing that happened all day yesterday. I was so excited. I'd already been in one of those dreamy nothing-is-real-but-everything-is-lovely moods (I had, that afternoon, declared with perhaps undue passion that I love oranges), and the fortune cookie just confirmed my feelings about the day.

Hannah got one that said "Accept the next proposition you receive." She gave it to Stefan so that he could use it to pick up chicks. I'm not sure that it worked. I'm actually fairly certain that either it didn't work, or he never tried. For the record, I would respect him more if he tried and failed than if he forgot about the whole thing. Doing that kind of thing in public is what makes the world an interesting place. If one girl came home last night and said to her roommate, "a guy tried to pick me up with a fortune cookie," the sun will shine just a little brighter tomorrow.
I'm all about absurdity.

John had left to go to an orchestra concert. I took the fortune cookie that was meant to be his. It said "Your charming smile is attracting everyone around you." I'm trying to decide whether I can claim that one. I did eat the cookie, and I'd like to think it suits me at least because I'd been spaced out and smiling all day, but it was intended for John, and far be it from me to assert that his smile isn't charming.
I'd just like to think I'm attracting people.
I think I'll keep it. Both fortunes are in my wallet at the moment, so there's that.

Does anyone know fortune cookie protocol?

Love always,

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