
jo's run

If you needed to know anything more about that awful Friday song, here's an analysis that would have gotten an A in my MCM class last semester (except that it completely neglects Freud, and no analysis is complete without Freud.)

Last night I went to Jo's with Hannah and Andrew. They had tater tots at Jo's last night, which was new. There was also a new guy behind the counter. I don't know his name, but if he works at Jo's, he might as well be Jo (there is no real Jo except Josiah Carburry, who was once a professor of psychoceramics.)

Henceforth, I will call him Jo.

Jo: We have tater tots tonight! It's a middle school flashback!
Me: Nice!
Jo: There was always that one really mean lunch lady. Or! Oh! Every school had one of these! The lunch lady with a really big butt!
Me: I don't remember seeing any of our lunch ladies' butts.
Jo: Well, you could tell from the front.
Me: I don't think I even saw their hips. I think it was obstructed... by... the food? The barrier thing?

I have forgotten crucial details of the Potomac lunch room format. Can you see the servers' hips? I don't remember this. All I remember is that guy with the hat, and that we would always refer to all of it as "SAGE Dining Services". There was no nickname for SAGE Dining Services. The term was typically used with derision, as I recall. I don't know. I didn't often eat the food that was prepared daily. I spent a year eating apples, and another year eating fruit salad and m&m cookies, and none of those things involved much interaction with anyone involved in the process.

Hannah: I'm going to get tater tots, because they're new and exciting. I like new and exciting things.
Jo: You're gonna love me then!

Jo is most certainly new and exciting.

On the way out, we went to Little Jo's so that I might buy some Fig Newtons (Whole Foods is so far away. I have not gone in ages. I keep meaning to but what a time commitment, you know?). Hannah encountered a friend of hers to whom she has been trying to introduce me. The first time he stumbled by our lunch table, I was meticulously eating all of the blue M&Ms out of my cup so that only leaf colors would be left. Such an activity, as you may or may not know, can engross me completely, and of course it did in this circumstance.
This was our second meeting. I emerged from the little store as they were talking, and opened the bag I had bought of chocolate covered peanut+pretzel+raisin+awesome.

I did offer him one.

Love always,

1 comment:

Lisa Maria Koßmann said...

Hahahahahahahaha even more than with the Bob Dylan version ... It seems this song moved a lot of people.