
new songs and philosophic souls

I had lunch with Vivian today, and then we walked aimlessly around georgetown in the drizzle. More accurately, we bounced between places where we could sit and camera-whore.

Lunch was fun. I told her about my life and she told me about hers and we got to talking about philosophic souls. I've been thinking a lot about that lately. I am inclined to believe that I have something of a contemplative disposition, but maybe all along I've been underestimating everyone else's contemplative disposition, and I'm pretty average.
After all, being contemplative is a thing one tends to do on one's own. I mean, just because I don't often see other people showering, that doesn't mean I think I'm the only one who does it.

I guess now that I'm in college, I do see other people showering. That argument just fell apart but you do know what I mean. I trust you.

My point is that I've been trying to sort out whether I'm crazy or conceited or both. Probably both, but I shouldn't let the haters get me down.

Also, I downloaded some new songs today.

Lost In My Mind - The Head and the Heart
Dirty Thing - Telekinesis
Raise Your Weapon - Deadmau5
Automatic - Yuck
Our Get - White Denim
Beam Me Up Scotty - Talking to Turtles
Car Crash - Telekinesis
Marathon - Tennis

Love always,

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