
25 things

So this is a facebook note, technically.
But I've taken a liking to doing facebook notes on the blog. So here we go.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you
(Except forget all that tagging business. This is a blog)

1. I am addicted to gum. It's a serious problem.
2. I wear axe deodorant, basically because I like the smell better than the girly flowery stuff.
3. Until about seventh grade, I slept with a doll named charlotte. Or rather, in seventh grade I stopped bringing her to sleepovers.
4. I still have my three CTY lanyards braided together on my bookshelf. And my 2007 Dickinson mealcard is in my wallet
5. My dad ran for governor when I was in preschool. I always kind of wonder how my life would have been different if he had won.
6. Today I ate french fries. This is very much not allowed (for health reasons) but oh, they were good.
7. Most of the books on my bookshelf are from long ago. I wish I had more time to read nowadays.
8. I hate judgmental people. Which makes me a hypocrite.
9. In 4th grade, my teacher was so stupid/inept that I wanted to drop out of school.
10. I'm more artistic than people would think.
11. I really like mellow music.
12. I have this fantasy that college will be like camp, but with more people and more classes and more freedom. This may be slightly realistic, considering I go to nerd camp.
13. My dad has nine fingers. I always find that cool.
14. I'm really good at the game "2 truths and a lie".
15. I love puzzles and mysteries. Lonelygirl15 was a good outlet for the conspiracy theorist in me, but its run its course and now I'm in the market for another.
16. I'm kind of concerned that I've grown out of infatuation. Which is something I really enjoy. So this is a shame.
17. I love going to CVS. I don't know why.
18. I've found the universe arranges itself so that I will be happy. Don't try to talk me out of this. I have very little evidence but a chain of strange coincidences. But that's my theory and I'm sticking to it.
19. I'm not religious. But I think there's something. (see above)
20. I don't tend to throw things out. I may become like my great uncle. He like, collects newspaper and string.
21. I'm a huge introvert, but I also love attention.
22. I'm convinced that my eventual fame is inevitable.
23. Prime numbers are awesome.
24. I started a twitter-esque notebook (in which I would write down short notes/thoughts) at the beginning of this summer to keep my head on straight. The internet has been a godsend.
25. This survey has been great, because I really like to talk about myself.... I should be denying it, but whatever. It's the truth.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

To be honest when I was reading that my first thought was "Clara's pretty awesome." Yup.

Anonymous said...

i can confirm from personal experience that you are fantastic at the game 2 truths and a lie.

Christa said...

i confess: i think the universe is doing the same thing to me.