
More on vegetarians

Hey, at least this guy can know he's having better sex than that jerk boss.

On a completely unrelated note, you know what's frustrating?
When one of your more peculiar quirks is due to something that is actually a secret, and you are a person who likes to explain your quirks to people (usually for their benefit).
So you're explaining and have to... trail off...
I mean, I trail off a whole bunch anyways, long attention span isn't one of those quirks, but it's annoying.
I hate having secrets.
I would like to tell everyone everything about my life.
Why? I don't know. But I mean, I keep a blog. You'd probably figured that out already.
Anyway, it's probably a good thing that I have the restraint to keep some things to myself. Still though. Ugh.

Love always,

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