

Saw my puppy, ate some yummy soup, had a jolly time.
Tried to use my old (like, 7th/8th grade) laptop in the place of patrick, the happy nonfunctioning macbook who might need his operating system reinstalled for reasons I cannot discern. Discovered it is also nonfunctioning. Died inside.
Mom gave me her laptop to use though, and said she's bring mine to the apple store tomorrow.
I love my family.

And weirdly, I'm so glad to be out of the "I want it and therefore it is mine" world of the Ritz penthouse. Yeah, it's pretty awesome, but it's also kind of uncomfortable, you know? I kept wanting to like, help out and be self sufficient and the like, but then I kind of felt like it wasn't my place, you know?
So I'm glad to be back where I can do things for myself without feeling way weird about it.

One downside to being home:
I have to go to school tomorrow. Shoot me please?
It might be kind of interesting though. See how two weeks changes people. 
Okay, wishful thinking. Winter break is a nonlinear discontinuity or something else I learned in algebra II last year, a random anomaly after which things continue as usual.
Summer's kind of like that too, but on the scale of summer, 'continue as usual' involves a lot of change regardless. its just more noticeable.
I'm still looking forward to the little changes that may or may not have taken place in certain people.

Love always,

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