
Reason #1

... why I fail at life

So we were supposed to have a latin test on tuesday. Snow happened. Then it would have been today. Snow happened again.
So I suppose it will be tomorrow.
A crazy person would have spent the whole time studying. I trust there are no real people who do that (at least that I know)
A good person would have said "wow, I have an extra day (or two) to study for this test. I'll devote a couple hours to it, and then enjoy my snow day"
A Clara person would say "HEY COOL SNOW! I'M GOING TO BE LAZY AND READ MAGAZINES AND TAKE PICTURES AND ALSO READ SOME SARTRE!" until about 10 PM, at which case she would say "Oh, I suppose that latin test will be tomorrow... Crap. I shall study for as long as my attention span allows, which is about fifteen minutes... and then study on the bus! If I'm not sleeping... or listening to music... Crap"

I need to stop being such a Clara person, and start being a good person. Not a crazy person, but a good person.

Although, I value my Clara-person-ness. Not necessarily in this particular situation, but usually my Clara-person-ness works out for the best.
Bah. I have no idea what I'm talking about, and I should be studying for that latin test, but instead I'm complaining about how I'm not studying. I am so backwards.

Love always,

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