
Stranded in a Ritz Penthouse

Apparently the weather gods have decided to give it to me hard.
But it's like, weather god rape. Completely non-consensual.
A snowstorm is coming to the midwest. Meaning my flight home is canceled. And we're staying another day? I guess that's the plan.
Victoria's hitting on people on myspace. I have an uncontrollable urge to go down with her mom and Shane and go into super-organization mode.
Although if there are two people in the STATE who can be super-organized like that, it's them.
I want to helppp.
I hate situations I can't control. And I can't stay here another day. Don't get me wrong, I'm having a great time, but there were a million and a half things I had to do between getting home and going to school. I'll have about two hours to do that now.
I'm freaking out. I should stop. But I can't help it.

Hold on, real conversation
Me: You think your mom and shane are still downstairs doing it?
Victoria: DOING IT?

Oh, she makes me sane.
But the sanity is fleeting. I'm still over here wanting to hitchhike to denver and catch a red-eye.
What bothers me is that my mom always anticipates this, and has us leave randomly in the middle of the night to escape the snowstorm, and we always think she's crazy, but I wish she'd been here this time because then I would have gotten home.
No offense.

Love always,

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