
Dreams between the hours of 6 and 9

I had this dream that a person pretended to be stuck to me so that he could turn invisible.
Wait, what?
And then someone said I had a hot date, and I thought they meant the invisible person stuck to me, but they really meant my art teacher (who was an invention of the dream) who was at that moment cross dressing. And pregnant.
Then--I suppose this was another dream--I was at our summer place (super small maryland town).
And there were actually waves at the thing we call the "beach".
Then I played with Aunt Kathy's camera. And she had binoculars too, which I basically stole to spy on our neighbors playing dodgeball. Some of them were in like, white puffy things, and others were in really nice clothes.
And then I realized I recognized a bunch of people from school, and I hadn't realized that they were friends with my neighbors.
Then one person who was from school but I don't remember who (probably another invention of my mind, but I remember wondering "how does that person from school know my neighbors?") walked over and stuck something on my back. And the thing was a newspaper clipping of cool things about Williams. It was a nice gesture.
Then the person and my sister and I went for a walk, and we wanted to all lie down in the grass at this L-shaped park, but some other people decided they wanted to play lacrosse.
Except that the shoes they were wearing were too big, and the lacrosse balls they were using were too small, and everything was dangerous for someone lying down in the middle of their field.
Except that it was OUR field.
I explained to the school person that I got my independence here. He said he got his in atlanta, which doesn't make much sense.

I know when this dream happened because it was after I woke up to my alarm clock and discovered we didn't have school today, but before I woke up once and for all (ten minutes ago).

Before 6 o clock, I was having a dream about something with chorus, and Summer was trying to organize a chorus dinner. I had to pick up the phone to get details on this dinner, but as soon as I was about to pick up the phone, my alarm went off. It was quite disappointing.

Love always,

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