
Hilarity of math class

So today we were talking about probability... 
If you figure there are fourteen in the class, counting Mr. C, it's a 45 minute period, and every five minutes, there is a probability of .0075 that something funny will happen to one person...
hilarity had a 95% chance of ensuing.
It did. Twice. And the probability of that happening is only .893!

So here we go...
Class: *makes crazy tree diagrams*
Me: Mine looks like a genealogy... except with all the branches, they're all people of... questionable origin.
Class: *general laughter*
Grier: You should like, keep a blog of the funny things that happen
Hanna: Haven't you seen her exam video?
Mr. H: You took a video of your exam?

And later...
Mr. H: *draws something related to probability*
Me: OOH, it's two balls in a jar!
*awkward moment*
Mr. H: We've got marbles in a jar... don't lose yours!

Love always,

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