
Blogging from necessity

I *actually* don't think I have anything to say today.
Um... what even happened today?
Mr C was late for latin, so we played a short game of hangman. 
NOTE TO WORLD: a really great word to use in hangman is "lynx"
English was english. Hester Prynne is really growing on me. She is quite awesome.
Then we had assembly, in which we listened to some pretty great mistakes, watched Mr. Bean, and had a town hall meeting, in which I totally shut down Will, which made people ooh and ahh. Apparently people assumed it was due to the fact that we have like, post-relationship tension? I disagree. He was just wrong*
Then we had physics. Cool. I don't remember what happened. Seriously.
Lunch. Chorus.
Mr R is freaking out. We have a concert on sunday and we are a million shades of unprepared. Yikes.
Then History, in which a number of funny things happened.

Riley: In document G...
Cat: Isn't that a movie?
Riley: What?
Cat: Mr. Mcgee?
Riley: Document G?
Cat: What?

Among other things. Reading over that, it doesn't sound that funny. Maybe you had to be there.
And then math happened, in which we learned things that we've known since at least third grade. But they say it gets harder, so I'm being patient.

Of course, musical rehearsal was when the day actually began. Seriously. It gives me a reason to go to school. It was fantastic, as always, and we planned something, but I cannot say what, for fear that someone might read this blog, think our plan is amazing, and perhaps mention said plan to someone who must not know the plan.
It is all very unlikely, but I like the suspense. I shall reveal the thing tomorrow.
And we sang and whatnot and it was just lovely, and then I took the late bus home. My parents had a premonition that it would be icy today, so they didn't want me driving. 
Do premonitions have to be right? Or rather, does something have to be true for the earlier notion to be a premonition?
Because it wasn't icy at all.

Love always,

*Actually. And for those of you reading too much into all of this... don't. There's nothing to analyze here except the fact that exam week really ought to be four days long, because you have more free time to study/dick around, which is what I really love. If you know me well enough to be overanalyzing, you know how much I adore exam-related free time.

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